
Welcome to the Blog

Andrzej Radzimiński, 9 December 2024

The Duckling Blog

We are pleased to announce that the Duckling blog has finally launched! Here, we will post updates on the development of the Duckling programming language, write interesting articles on topics related to the project, and cover various aspects of Duckling itself.

Where we are at

It has been a good few years now since the project started and a little over a year since it really gained momentum. As the language proposal gains maturity and the toolset's functionality expands, we are increasingly able to share our progress. Right now, we are launching the blog. Soon, we plan to set up a place for a community to talk, exchange ideas, and most importantly: provide feedback for Duckling's development. This will likely happen in the first quarter of 2025.

But where are the source code and the docs?

Both the compiler and the language documentation will eventually be open source and available online. However, we do not want to make them public too soon, when they are still a little rough around the edges.

We plan to release the first alpha version of the compiler in 2025, alongside the documentation for Duckling 0.1. We will probably start with a closed release, followed by an open one later.

Right now, we are focused on setting a strong foundation with robust compiler architecture and critical functionalities. As a result, the early pre-1.0 versions may not include a wide range of language constructs. Instead, we are working on key elements of architecture and design, such as incremental compilation and modularity. We will post about progress in these areas on this blog.

For now, here is the first Duckling program we share online:

print("quack quack")

How to keep up to date

Follow the blog! You can also sign up to our newsletter (form available in the footer below), where we will announce new blog posts and other important updates.